PD2 & PD3 Razer Pod Duster
The POD duster is a dry type duster which is powered from mine compressed air.
The POD duster can be set to apply full dusting to the ribs and roof (hand sprayed) of the mine, or it can be set up to operate as a trickle duster. The PD series duster is a pneumatically controlled stone duster used in areas inaccessible to the TDT flinger duster range, providing a wider range of dust delivery applications.
PD2 & PD3 Razer Pod Duster Specifications:
- PD2 Capacity 2.4T, PD3 Capacity 3.6T
- PD2 Dimensions – Length 2210mm, Width 2650mm & Height 1358mm
- PD3 Dimensions – Length 2360mm, Width 2650mm & Height 1733mm
- Dual purpose POD – trickle and full dusting (hand sprayed)
- Mobile POD with QDS
- Trickle dusts down to 70kgs/hr over 2000 metres
- Manual (hand) dusting and bulk transfer up to 250kg/minute (PD2 excluded for bulk transfer)
- Ideal for trickle dusting or hand dusting belt roads and tailgates
- Belt roads – hand dusting approx two metre/minute
- Longwall tailgates continuous dusting